A One-Act Comedy
14 July, 2023
In 2023, Star Rae Productions decided to participate in the Tasmanian One-Act play competitions with this hilarious comedy written by QLD playright, Hugh O’Brien. As the competitions are held in Hobart & Deloraine, we felt Launceston needed a pre-comp performance of the show – so this was held on Friday 14 July at the Australian Italian Club, Prospect, with the view of fundraising to cover costs for taking the show to the competitions.
The night was a double act, with a mini-version of How To Fall Flat on Your Face performed by Launceston Improv Theatre Inc, and our fundraising goal was certainly achieved with a sell-out show! We are eternally grateful to all those that attended and supported this event!
Sponsored by Three River Theatre, Amanda Sutherland, Anouk Vittori & Deloraine Dramatic Society.
Scroll down to see photos by Cooper Goodall.
Download a copy of the Event Program here (26MB).
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